Yateley & District u3a

Birding Group

Where:Various, check with Group Leader
Time:Varies to fit with speakers, etc.
How often:Monthly
Which day:Usually mid-month
Group leader:Mark Chegwidden
Email:Status: Open

Further Information

We are a friendly and inclusive group, welcoming everyone from complete novices to those with good birding knowledge. We meet monthly, and our meetings are either in a local venue with a guest speaker, or we take a trip out to various bird watching sites around the area.

We have enjoyed talks from organisations such as the RSPB and Hampshire Countryside Service as well as from our own members who have shared their photos and experiences. Our trips have included Horseshoe Lake (Moor Green) and Dinton Pastures, with upcoming trips planned to the Hawk Conservancy, Tice's Meadow and the Birds: Brilliant and Bizarre exhibition at the Natural History Museum.

Drop us an email to find out about our next meetings - we would love you to join us.


Missing information? Contact the Groups Coordinator by email